Monday, June 11, 2018

Ranni Under the Grip of Monsoon Rains

Heavy rains for the past one week has started showing it results in Ranni in the form of flood. The river Pamba has overflown and all the small tributaries has also overflown, resulting in flood. Here are some of the pictures gathered from various social media channels related to the flood in Ranni.

St. Mary's School, Ranni

Mandiram Junction, Ranni

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Garbage Waste Being Dumped at Aythala Road

Amid the rising number of monsoon related diseases, the people in Ittiyapara are having a closed eyes towards the issue. Ranni is a place which has remained almost clean and there were no serious reporting of garbage dumbing in public places. 

But now garbage wastes have been dumped in the Ranni-Aythala road, infront of C V Mathew's shop. People suspect different shop owners to have dumped the waste in public areas and this has made life difficult for those who commute through this place.

It is high time that authorities in Ranni take strict actions again such activities and as of now the authorities seems to be in a sleeping mode. They might wake up when some kind of epidemics breaks out and things are out of hand. Hope that they wake up at the right time and prevent such issues by creating a sense of awareness among the public.

Proper awareness and classes can help the common people stay back from throwing and dumping wastes in public places of Ranni.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Pathetic State of Ittiyappara Bus Stand in Ranni

The monsoon has arrived and so does the pathetic conditions of the roads in Ranni. This time we need to point out the road in Ittiyappara bus stand which really looks like a paddy field and has made life difficult for the commuters. The ruling authorities should take this issue into their responsibilities and the people are fed up of such situations that they are facing since 2 decades.