Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fire Catches on Samson Agencies Crackers Shop in Mamukku, Ranni

In another major incident in Ranni yesterday, the renowned crackers and armoury agent in Ranni suffered a major setback as fire set on its shop in Mamukku Ranni. Samson Agencies Cracker shop in Mammukku is one of the most reputed sellers of crackers and armoury in Ranni and was deeply trouble by the unexpected fire that caught the shop and employees in dire straits. The incident occurred at around 5 PM and all the people nearby were really confused and stressed at the sight of the fire gaining momentum.

Two of the shop employees jumped from the shop as the fire escalated and they were able to save themselves with some minor burns. The fire was about to invade another room which was filled with crackers and by that time the fire force came to the scene and were able to control the fire and prevent it from creating further destruction. The shop was just 100 meters from Mamukku Petrol pump and a great potential disaster was prevented by the timely controlling of the fire.

Shop employees Roy Varghese and Murugan were saved with minor burns and they jumped through the broken glass windows. People and nearby shop owners were notified by the continuous sounds of crackers being blown up at Samson shop. The fire first broke out from the room where guns and other armouries were being repaired. People were terrified and never dare to come near the shop. They only came near the shop once the fire was in control by the continuous effort of the fire force employees.

As per the owner Samson Thomas, there were not too much crackers inside the room which caught fire and this has avoided a huge disaster. Ultimately the fire was in control and it is not sure how much damage the fire has really caused and it will take a couple of days when the owner can finally come up with the exact amount of loss caused by the unexpected fire at the crackers shop in Ranni.

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