Monday, August 27, 2012

Improper Drainage Systems a Threat for Shops in Ittiyappara

The improper and badly maintained drainage systems in Ittiyappara are becoming a major threat for shop owners. Ittiyappara is the major commercial hub of Ranni and have a good number of shops which caters to the needs of the people in and around Ranni. The natural drainage systems in Ittyappara are badly maintained and are often blocked due to the immense deposit of plastic and other waste materials. This in turn leads to the overflow of these natural drainage systems and the water eventually enters the shops leading to huge losses for the businessmen.

On behalf of this, Benny Puthenparambil (Block Panchayat President) has filed a petition to the Tahasildar. Even minor rains leads to water logging in the Chettomkara road in Ranni town and the water enters the shops that are on the either sides of the road. The petition has urged the authorities to form a meeting regarding this and find an ultimate solution that would save the shops from getting affected with water logging. Majority of the drainage systems in Ittiyappara town is in bad condition and every year shop owners experience huge losses due to the unexpected entry of water into the shops.

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