Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Century Old Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni Being Ignored

The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni which is over 100 years old is being heavily ignored by the Government as far as development of the dispensary is considered. There had been voices raised to elevate the dispensary into a Taluk Ayurveda Hospital in Ranni, but the Government has not done anything so far to built new buildings or either to elevate it to a Taluk Ayurveda hospital.  The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni is situated in Angadi Chettimukku area and is one of the major and oldest Ayurveda hospitals in Pathanamthitta.

The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni was functioning in a rented house till 10 years ago and as a result of the hard work of the people in Ranni, they were able to buy 50 cents of land in Ranni and since then the Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni is functioning in their own building. Even after purchasing the 50 cents of land in Ranni, it took several years for the building to be constructed. Former MP A C Jose allotted fund for constructing the ayurveda hospital building and Ayruvedic hospitals with all the basic facilities and amenities was constructed.

There were separate rooms for doctors, pharmacists and store as well as a resting room for patients. Water, ligth and telephone facilities were also arranged in the ayurvedic hospital. But such things were not enough for the smooth functioning of the Ayurvedic hospital in Ranni. To treat the patients in full fledged ways, the hospitals required separate rooms and buildings which were not at all available at the hospital. There had been many requests which were send to the authorities to allocate funds to renovate the Ayurveda hospital in Ranni, but till now nothing has been allocated and this prestigious Ayruvedic hospital in Ranni is in deep trouble as it need a good amount of money for facelift and being elevated into Taluk Ayurveda Hospital in Ranni.

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