Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Puthusserimala Government UPS Set to Become a Role Model

Puthusserimala Government UPS, which is a major source that offers the divine light of education to thousands of students is all set to become a role model for all and the society. The Puthusserimala Government UPS staff, their family, PTA members and even people staying near this school has decided to donate their eyes and they have signed the agreement regarding the same. They have agreed to provide their eyes after their death to those who are in need.

The deal was done with the help of "Kazcha" which is a major organization that deals with activities such as helping people to donate their eyes once they leave this world. The agreement was done on 24th August 2012 in the school compound and the General Secretary of "Kazcha" and the Panchayat President was present at the event. The school has proved yet again to be a role model for other schools and this activity will prompt other schools to take this step.

Puthusserimala Government UPS is one of the major source of education in Ranni and people from Ranni, Puthusserimala and Vadaserikkara once used this school as a major source of gaining knowledge and formal education.

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