Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Vital Deal Document Missing From Ranni Panchayat Office

A vital document containing a deal between water authority and the Panchayat has gone missing from Ranni Panchayat office. A commission has been appointed for further investigation regarding the missing document. Initially the investigation was done by the Panchayat staff and late they gave up. Even the newly appointed commission is finding it really hard to get the whereabouts of the missing documents.

The documents contained vital deal which includes the tarring of the road leading from Thottamon temple to Chantha Kadavu which is really in a bad state. The deal was made by the water authority Adoor Division and the Ranni Panchayat and the missing of this file has dragged too much controversy. The road leading from Thottamon Temple to Chanthakadavu was dugged to install pipelines for one of the major water distribution projects which lead to this bad state of the road.

The file containing the reconstruction of this road was submitted to the Panchayat committee by the secretary on 2011 and since May 2012 the file has gone missing. Since then two employees were given the charge to enquire about the missing file but when they failed to find the file, the ex-panchayat secretary was called upon. Still they were not able to derive any clue about the missing file. One of the panchayat members has pleaded for a Vigilance enquiry regarding the same and find the whereabouts of the missing file.

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