Friday, August 19, 2011

Ranni Badly Needs a Good Movie Theatre

Ranni is home to some of the biggest cinema crazy fans and still it does not have a top quality movie theatre. Most of the people in Ranni have to depend on other cities such as Kottayam or Changanacherry, if they are to watch a good movie along with their family. As of now Ranni has two theatres named Upasana and Sree Lakshmi and both of them are not good to watch film with family or our beloved ones.

Some time back there was another theatre named "Darsana" near Thottamon Kavu Devi temple and now the theatre is replaced by a petrol pumb. But "Darsana" theatre was also a countryside theatre like Upasana and Sree Lakshmi (formerly Mahalakshmi) and one could not watch any new films over there. Most of the movies that came to Ranni were either 2-3 months old and by then most of us would have heard the story or watched it from theatres in other cities.

The Upasana Theater was recently revamped, but still it is nothing more than a mediocre countryside theatre. In Ranni there is a good number of Tamil people and the two theatres mostly show Tamil movies which prevented the locals from visiting the theatres. If a good high quality theatre comes in Ranni it would be a great help for the locals who wish to watch quality movies with their family. It would also be a great success, as most of the youngsters in Ranni rushes to Pathanamathitta, Kottayam or Changanacherry to watch good and new films.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ranni Mini Civil Station Construction in Progress

The construction work of the proposed Mini Civil Station in Ranni is in progress and in my recent visit to Ranni, there were some positive developments as far as the construction of the civil station was considered. It has been more than a decade since K M Mani had laid the foundation stone of the Mini Civil Station and the new developments have come has a great relief for those in Ranni.
After laying the foundation stone for the mini civil station in Ranni a decade ago, the government changed many times, but the foundation stone stood still without any further progress. I was in my school when the foundation stone was laid and ever since we were looking out for the construction of the so called mini civil station, which would help in bringing all the government offices in Ranni under one roof.
Hope that this government would bring out some fast development and complete the mini station project as soon as possible. Lets pray the politicians in Kerala does not start playing their game and make delay in the finishing of the project. The mini civil station would certainly change the face of Ranni, especially areas such as Thottamon and Vaikom.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Punalur Muvattupuzha Highway in Ranni Making Travel Difficult

The Punalur - Muvattupuzha State highway which pass through Ranni is facing serious problems a most of the areas of this highway are in a bad condition, making it much difficult to travel. The area of the Punalur - Muvattupuzha highway from Valiya Parambil padi to Ittiyappara have become almost difficult to travel on a vehicle as most part of it has developed huge pothholes. Same is the case with the section from Thottamon to Blockpady as most of the area have become unsuitable for travel.

People who travel through this area would dare to travel once again as such is the bad conditions of the roads in Ranni. A lot of vehicles gets damaged as a result of traveling through the bad roads in Ranni. The area from Ittiyappara Market to the Bypass is the most affected and a lot of accidents occurs as a result of the bad road conditions.

The reason for the bad state of road is the maintenance work done by the water authority as a part of placing their pipes by the side of the road. It has been a long time since the roads have been facing this situation and the PWD department has not done anything so far to repair the roads in Ranni.

The area from Perumbuzha to Ittiyappara was retared few months ago, but it has returned to its old state in a short span of time. People traveling on two wheelers face most of the dangers and a lot of accidents are reported on a daily basis. The Punalur - Muvattupuzha state highway is one of the major roads in Kerala and Ranni is also a booming town, but the bad situation of the roads always puts a black scar on Ranni's image.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ranni Gate - The First Luxury Hotel in Ranni

Ranni really lacked a quality hotel since a long time and most of the people in Ranni have to go to Pathanamthitta, Thiruvalla or Kottayam to find a standard hotels with all the modern facilities.  There are several lodges and hotels in Ranni which are there for a long time, but none of these came near an average standards.
But with the arrival of Ranni Gate Hotel, the people here have got a huge relief as they can avoid going to the other cities to get a standard hotel. Ranni Gate has announced its arrival with some of the best facilities and amenities which no other hotels in Ranni can offer. This hotel is a great relief for the people as it offers the traditional Kerala hospitality and that too with Global Standards.

Ranni Gate is infact a modern luxury hotel with an amazing architectural beauty and covers the basic facilities like cable TV, telecom lines etc. Ranni Gate acts as  a restaurant which have a separate coffee shop with a wide range of cuisines. Ranni Gate has a multi cuisine restaurant named as Cinnamon which serves delicious cuisines prepared by experience and well trained chefs. The Coffee Shop inside the Ranni Gate is known as Cardamon which is yet another major attraction of this luxury hotel in Ranni.

Apart form these Ranni Gate also offers top class facilities for Banquets and Meetings which is another major plus point of the hotel. Like any other top class hotels, the accommodation at Ranni Gate is superb and promises to provide on the best accommodation services in the district. This luxury hotel in Ranni is locate on the College Road and is hardly 1 km away from Ittiyappara town. The contact details for Ranni Gate is given below.

Ranni Gate,
College Road, Ittiyapara,
Ranni, Pathanamthitta,
Kerala, India - 689 673

04735-228511, 228522



Website -

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Puthusserimala Residents Face Serious Travel Woes

Puthusserimala is a small village and lies between Ranni and Vadaserikkara. The road route to this place is one which cuts from the main Ranni - Vadaserikkara bus route and the road to Puthusserimala cuts before Edakulam and there are some bus which ply on these routes. Since a long time, the residents of Puthusserimala has been facing problems with the non availability of public transport through the route.

Even the few buses that are operating through route are not keeping proper time schedules and as a result a lot of employees, students and common people are suffering. The first bus comes to Puthusserimala at 8:30 AM and this is the bus from Ranni to Vadaserikkara. The first bus towards Ranni comes at 9 AM, which is a major worry for the majority of the students who study at Ranni. The bus at 9 AM towards Ranni is actually of no use for the students and the employees as they would not be able to reach their destinations on time.

The same is the case for the employees and the students when they come back from their offices and schools. There is not bus at the required time and as a result the common people are not able to reach their home on time. The last bus towards Puthusserimala is at 5.25 PM and after this one has to look for some other means of transport to get back home. Only two private bus and one KSRTC operates on this route, which tells the bad side of the story. A KSRTC that operates from Vadaserikkara via Puthusserimala towards Kottayam was started just before the recently conducted election, but its life span was too short.

When no buses are available in Puthusserimala one has to walk 3 km towards the Mandiram junction to catch the bus. However the authorities are planning to take this issue seriously and would be putting the matter infront of the Pathanamthitta RTO. Hope that the travel woes of Puthusserimala Residents are solved at the earliest.

Friday, July 1, 2011

St. Thomas College Strike - DYFI to Support SFI

In a move to oppose the banning of student politics in Ranni St. Thomas College, SFI has started their strike in full fledge. DYFI has also offered support to SFI in order to protest against the banning of Student politics in Ranni St. Thomas college. 5 SFI students were suspended by the college Principal for conducting strike on Thursday.

Reacting against the suspension of these 5 students SFI protested by locking the Principal inside his room. After informing the police they arrived on the spot and tried to have discussion with the SFI representatives, but in vain. The police had to remove the SFI members forcefully and they were taken to the police van. While taking them in the Police van, DYFI members grouped outside the college gate and warned the police of serious consequences if they dare to take the SFI members out of the gate.

Mean while strong strike began inside the college and the SFI members created havoc by destroying college properties. At the same time the DYFI members also didn't spare their time, as they were engaged in their favorite activity, which was pelting stone at the college. At the same time the police had to release the students that they took in their van.

The discussion continued with other prominent members and at last the college management were forced to withdraw the suspensions of the students. The major irony is that students those who have never even studied at that college were also involved in the protest. Police have took case against 25 students for destructing college properties.

Anti Social Activists Rules in Ranni Perumbuzha Town

Anti social activists have been creating serious issues in  Perumbuzha town and nearby places which is an important area of concern. Few days later bottles of soda nad water glasses were found lying broken infront of the panchayat shopping complex at Perumbuzha. Around 15 bottles of soda and liquor bottles were found broken infront of the Perumbuzha panchayat shopping complex in Ranni.

Since the broken pieces of the bottles are lying infront of the major shops and other business centers, it has become more woeful for the travelers to go through this side. Hearing the information the Panchayat President and other member rushed to the site and took initiative in removing the broken pieces of glasses from the spot with the help of Panchayat staffs.

During the evening time,  the Perumbuzha Pachayat shopping complex becomes a major hub for the ant social activist who engage in drinking and other anti social activities. The Ranni Police has not taken any serious step towards it even after being informed about the same many time. In the past there were some consistent police patrolling in these areas and at those time, the anti social activities were minimized to  a greater extend.

It is high time that the Ranni police take some serious action against such anti social elements, so that Ranni become more safe to live. It is not just the Perumbuzha Panchayat Shopping complex, but there are many other such areas in Ranni which has become a major center for anti social activists. The Police seems to be aware about this but I have not seen them taking any serious measures towards this.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Minister Ganesh Kumar Helps in Stopping Disrupted Power Supply in Ranni Town

Minister K B Ganesh Kumar seems to have helped Ranni in solving the issue of disrupted power supply in Ranni Town, especially in Ittiyappara. Ranni town and nearby places have been facing disrupted power supply for a long time which was a really issue. Complaints were lodged by the locals, but they were of no use as the power supply still continued to play hide and seek.

Few days back Minister Ganesh Kumar happened to pass by Ranni and during his short stay at Ranni, the locals complained about this foul play by the electricity board. Hearing the complaints, Minister rushed towards the KSEB North Section office in Ranni but the office was found closed. Ganesh Kumar assured the locals that he would present this issue to the Minister who is taking care of Electricity and similar departments.

Ganesh Kumar must have presented the complaint to the Electricity minister as there was no power disruption in Ranni town on Monday. Lets wait and see how long this state would prevail.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Chettimukku - Nellickamon Road in a Bad Condition

The Chettimukku - Nellickamon road in Ranni is in a bad condition and has made it really difficult to travel across. The irony is that the road was re-tarred a few days back and the recent heavy rains have made the condition of the road to its initial state. Rain water from the nearby places rushed to this road and this has caused severe damage to the road. Locals have also complained that the tarring was done under the rain without proper planning and this has been the main cause of the damage.

The locals have also complained that every time the road used to be retarred during the rainy season. Regular maintenance are done on the road, but still the road retains its old state within few days. There is also lack of proper drainage system which is the root cause of the road destruction. During the rainy season the water from the nearby houses rush strongly towards the road, leaving the road in a bad condition.

The locals hope to find a permanent solution to this as this is one of the main route in that area

Continous Rains Brings Fear in Ranni

The heavy and continous rain for the last 7 days have brought fear of flood among the Rannites. The river Pamba is all set to over flow and if the rain continues in this manner, then we can expect a huge flood across ranni and neighbouring places. Ranni has not experienced huge flood for the last decade and the last time I experienced a huge flood in Ranni was around 12 years back. It was at that time when the old Ranni bridge collapsed into the River pamba and we had to rely on the boat services to go to Ittiyappara area and come back.

Even though there is a threat of flood in Ranni, the another positive aspect is that this is best time to go fishing. A lot of fishes comes onto to the paddy fields from the rivers and a lot of people would be there hoping to catch these fishes. In my younger days, I used to do the same with our friends and usually we went to the paddy fields in Thottamon area, where we used to get some good quantity of fish.

But the flood may disturb the lives of many people and it may also bring a great loss in terms of money as most of the shops in Ittiyappara would be under water. Lets hope that the rain stops it pace and the beautiful place does not get affected by flood.

Ranni - The Queen of Hills

Ranni is one of the beautiful place in Pathanamthitta district and is officially known as "The Queen of the Hills". The famous Hindu pilgrimage center Sabarimala comes under Ranni Taluk and the famous river Pamba flows through Ranni. Ranni is well known for its scenic beauty such as hills, padddy fields etc. The main agriculture in Ranni come from the rubber plantations and other traditional agricultural activities are also followed. More information and updates on Ranni would be posted here on a regular basis.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome to the blog on Ranni, Kerala

Hi Welcome all to this blog on Ranni. Would keep you updated on the major and latest happenings in Ranni.