Monday, June 6, 2011

Continous Rains Brings Fear in Ranni

The heavy and continous rain for the last 7 days have brought fear of flood among the Rannites. The river Pamba is all set to over flow and if the rain continues in this manner, then we can expect a huge flood across ranni and neighbouring places. Ranni has not experienced huge flood for the last decade and the last time I experienced a huge flood in Ranni was around 12 years back. It was at that time when the old Ranni bridge collapsed into the River pamba and we had to rely on the boat services to go to Ittiyappara area and come back.

Even though there is a threat of flood in Ranni, the another positive aspect is that this is best time to go fishing. A lot of fishes comes onto to the paddy fields from the rivers and a lot of people would be there hoping to catch these fishes. In my younger days, I used to do the same with our friends and usually we went to the paddy fields in Thottamon area, where we used to get some good quantity of fish.

But the flood may disturb the lives of many people and it may also bring a great loss in terms of money as most of the shops in Ittiyappara would be under water. Lets hope that the rain stops it pace and the beautiful place does not get affected by flood.

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