Monday, June 6, 2011

Chettimukku - Nellickamon Road in a Bad Condition

The Chettimukku - Nellickamon road in Ranni is in a bad condition and has made it really difficult to travel across. The irony is that the road was re-tarred a few days back and the recent heavy rains have made the condition of the road to its initial state. Rain water from the nearby places rushed to this road and this has caused severe damage to the road. Locals have also complained that the tarring was done under the rain without proper planning and this has been the main cause of the damage.

The locals have also complained that every time the road used to be retarred during the rainy season. Regular maintenance are done on the road, but still the road retains its old state within few days. There is also lack of proper drainage system which is the root cause of the road destruction. During the rainy season the water from the nearby houses rush strongly towards the road, leaving the road in a bad condition.

The locals hope to find a permanent solution to this as this is one of the main route in that area

1 comment:

  1. Please send me chettimukku ayurveda hospital number or Dr saji number...WhatsApp me +971567848335
