Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Vital Deal Document Missing From Ranni Panchayat Office

A vital document containing a deal between water authority and the Panchayat has gone missing from Ranni Panchayat office. A commission has been appointed for further investigation regarding the missing document. Initially the investigation was done by the Panchayat staff and late they gave up. Even the newly appointed commission is finding it really hard to get the whereabouts of the missing documents.

The documents contained vital deal which includes the tarring of the road leading from Thottamon temple to Chantha Kadavu which is really in a bad state. The deal was made by the water authority Adoor Division and the Ranni Panchayat and the missing of this file has dragged too much controversy. The road leading from Thottamon Temple to Chanthakadavu was dugged to install pipelines for one of the major water distribution projects which lead to this bad state of the road.

The file containing the reconstruction of this road was submitted to the Panchayat committee by the secretary on 2011 and since May 2012 the file has gone missing. Since then two employees were given the charge to enquire about the missing file but when they failed to find the file, the ex-panchayat secretary was called upon. Still they were not able to derive any clue about the missing file. One of the panchayat members has pleaded for a Vigilance enquiry regarding the same and find the whereabouts of the missing file.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Motors to Arrive Late at Various Pump Houses in Ranni

The water distribution projects at Ranni taluk has taken a back seat as the new motors for the various pump houses in Ranni is to arrive late as per various sources. As the next Sabarimala pilgrimage season is around the corner, there will be  a real mess if the water authority fails to install new motors in the pump houses on way to Sabarimala.

With the financial aid from NABARD, 16 pump houses in the Taluk were to get new motors and around 1.30 Crore Rupees were granted for the same. But the delays in getting the motors are really making matters worse. The Electricity and production crisis that is being experienced throughout the country is playing a major factor in delaying the arrival of new motors. Another major issue behind the delay is that motors of different capacities has to be manufactured which is really something difficult.

It has been more than an year since the deal was made for the new motors and since then even a single pump house has not got the new motors installed which is a real shame.  A 15 HP motor will be reaching for the Ranni - Angadi project withing 2 weeks and this is purchased with the help of a Sabarimala fund proposed by the Government of Kerala. Vechoochira, Perunad, Madathumpadi, Karikulam, Poozhikkunnu, Cherukol, Naranganam, Angadi, Chittar, Vadasserikkara etc are the places which are yet to get the new motors in the pumb houses.

Of the above mentioned places Madathumpadi, Perunadu, Angadi and Vadaserikkara have pumps which are on the Sabarimala route and due to non functioning of the existing motors, these pumps often becomes out of order. If this situation continues during the Sabarimala season, the Ayyappa devotees will have to face a tough time.

Century Old Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni Being Ignored

The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni which is over 100 years old is being heavily ignored by the Government as far as development of the dispensary is considered. There had been voices raised to elevate the dispensary into a Taluk Ayurveda Hospital in Ranni, but the Government has not done anything so far to built new buildings or either to elevate it to a Taluk Ayurveda hospital.  The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni is situated in Angadi Chettimukku area and is one of the major and oldest Ayurveda hospitals in Pathanamthitta.

The Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni was functioning in a rented house till 10 years ago and as a result of the hard work of the people in Ranni, they were able to buy 50 cents of land in Ranni and since then the Government Ayurveda Dispensary in Ranni is functioning in their own building. Even after purchasing the 50 cents of land in Ranni, it took several years for the building to be constructed. Former MP A C Jose allotted fund for constructing the ayurveda hospital building and Ayruvedic hospitals with all the basic facilities and amenities was constructed.

There were separate rooms for doctors, pharmacists and store as well as a resting room for patients. Water, ligth and telephone facilities were also arranged in the ayurvedic hospital. But such things were not enough for the smooth functioning of the Ayurvedic hospital in Ranni. To treat the patients in full fledged ways, the hospitals required separate rooms and buildings which were not at all available at the hospital. There had been many requests which were send to the authorities to allocate funds to renovate the Ayurveda hospital in Ranni, but till now nothing has been allocated and this prestigious Ayruvedic hospital in Ranni is in deep trouble as it need a good amount of money for facelift and being elevated into Taluk Ayurveda Hospital in Ranni.

Puthusserimala Government UPS Set to Become a Role Model

Puthusserimala Government UPS, which is a major source that offers the divine light of education to thousands of students is all set to become a role model for all and the society. The Puthusserimala Government UPS staff, their family, PTA members and even people staying near this school has decided to donate their eyes and they have signed the agreement regarding the same. They have agreed to provide their eyes after their death to those who are in need.

The deal was done with the help of "Kazcha" which is a major organization that deals with activities such as helping people to donate their eyes once they leave this world. The agreement was done on 24th August 2012 in the school compound and the General Secretary of "Kazcha" and the Panchayat President was present at the event. The school has proved yet again to be a role model for other schools and this activity will prompt other schools to take this step.

Puthusserimala Government UPS is one of the major source of education in Ranni and people from Ranni, Puthusserimala and Vadaserikkara once used this school as a major source of gaining knowledge and formal education.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Improper Drainage Systems a Threat for Shops in Ittiyappara

The improper and badly maintained drainage systems in Ittiyappara are becoming a major threat for shop owners. Ittiyappara is the major commercial hub of Ranni and have a good number of shops which caters to the needs of the people in and around Ranni. The natural drainage systems in Ittyappara are badly maintained and are often blocked due to the immense deposit of plastic and other waste materials. This in turn leads to the overflow of these natural drainage systems and the water eventually enters the shops leading to huge losses for the businessmen.

On behalf of this, Benny Puthenparambil (Block Panchayat President) has filed a petition to the Tahasildar. Even minor rains leads to water logging in the Chettomkara road in Ranni town and the water enters the shops that are on the either sides of the road. The petition has urged the authorities to form a meeting regarding this and find an ultimate solution that would save the shops from getting affected with water logging. Majority of the drainage systems in Ittiyappara town is in bad condition and every year shop owners experience huge losses due to the unexpected entry of water into the shops.

Onam Kit Distributed at Block Junction Ranni

Onam Kit was distributed for deserved people at block junction in Ranni on 27th August 2012. The function was inaugurated by Shri Raju Abraham MLA and other members were also present at the event. The kit includes vegetable and food items that are essential to make a better Onam experience for all the families.